How to Improve the Clarity of Your Communications

how to improve clarity in communications

At 84 Communications we talk a lot about clarity in communications and how it is fundamental to business success. But, how do you improve it? How do you know if you are missing the mark? Here are six ways to ensure your communications are clear, concise and compelling.

Know where you are going

For a small business this may mean starting with identifying your mission, vision and values, and having a clear brand strategy that your communications can amplify. For a well-oiled complex organization that already has a clear mission, vision and values, this may mean having goals and objectives for your communications in both the short and long-term that ladder up to your business objectives. If you do not have a roadmap for where you are going it is difficult to bring others along with you, let alone get them to understand the behavior you want them to take.

Know your audience

Who are you trying to reach and what is meaningful to them. Think about what words, phases and images they use and know what they think, feel and do. What you say to your employees may be clear because everyone has been immersed in the same dialogue for months or because your educational backgrounds may be the same. But, as soon as you communicate to another department or to an external audience their understanding falls apart.

Say what you mean

There is that saying, KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid. Repeat that as you write your messaging. Avoid the jargon! Every company has its own terminology; certain phrases that are so common to you and your organization, but others do not know what they mean. Go back to your audience. If you met them on the street, how would you speak with them in a non-business setting. How would your words change?

Over communicate

There are a lot of things competing for our attention and your message will get lost as soon as another message comes into the mix. The more important your message is, the more times you need to say it. Do not assume people have heard you and understand. Each time you return to a subject you are reiterating and providing additional clarity.

Choose the right channel for your message

There are so many choices! Email? Phone? Video conference? In person? The list goes on and on. Think about what you are sharing and the outcome you want. When you want interaction and engagement, or you need support and buy-in, think about the most effective way to involve others. It may not be the easiest or the most efficient way.

Know the outcome you want

How do you want your audience to behavior after they have read, seen or listened to your message? What do you want them do?

If you need help bringing clarity to your communications or prioritizing your messaging the experts at 84 Communications can help. Email for more information.   


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